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About Department Of Aids Control Unit

Overview of Aids Control Unit

Maseno University AIDS Control Unit (MUACU) is a user-friendly facility committed at promoting and supporting development of life-long healthy lifestyles among students, staff and members of the surrounding community and contributes to their measurable positive health outcomes. MUACU offers a comprehensive array of HIV and other Sexual Reproductive Health prevention services through provision of quality health awareness and education, Evidence Based Behavioural Interventions (EBI), prevention commodities and psychological care. The Unit recognizes that health and wellness is essential to the Maseno University community as such, it is creating a culture of wellness on campus, making the University a place where people can experience a commitment to their health and wellbeing.


MUACU was established in November 2001 by Chairman of the senate to plan, organize and implement HIV and AIDS prevention, control and management activities in the University and the surrounding community. MUACU is coordinated by the School of Public Health and Community Development under the guidance of a multidisciplinary steering committee commonly known as MUACU committee. 


The Unit coordinates activities that includes Health education and promotion, distribution of Information, Education and Communication (IEC) materials, HIV Testing Services, promotion and distribution of prevention commodities e.g. male and female condom, lubricants and contraceptives, reproductive health services provision and Non Communicable Diseases (NCDs) sensitization and screening services. The Unit utilizes various strategies in meeting its objectives including; building partnerships, linkages and networks with like-minded organizations, resource mobilization, training and capacity building, awareness, education and advocacy and research.  


The MUACU is located at Siriba, next to the University Health Centre, Main Campus and a Sub-Unit located on 4th floor, Flats, Kisumu campus.



A healthy, empower and sustainable community in which individuals and families are equipped with necessary knowledge skills and attitudes to eliminate HIV and AIDS



Enhancing HIV and AIDS education, awareness and care for the infected and affected members of the society.


Overall Goal

To promote HIV and AIDS prevention, care and support activities in Maseno University and the surrounding community 


Specific Objectives

  1. To develop HIV and AIDS education, prevention and health promotion programs 

  2. To identify and provide training to students, staff and community members in areas related to prevention, care and impact control 

  3. To provide essential services care and support to those affected and infected with HIV and AIDS 

  4. To establish and maintain linkages and collaborations with stakeholders involved in HIV and AIDS activities 

  5. To device mechanisms for vigorous and rigorous action research in HIV and AIDS, management and dissemination of information.

Implementation Strategies 

On a day to day basis, the ACU plans, organizes and implements HIV and AIDS prevention and control activities in all the Campuses of the University and their surrounding communities. It utilizes various strategies in meeting its objectives including;

  1. Total University management commitment

  2. Developing partnerships, linkages and networking 

  3. Resource mobilization 

  4. Training and capacity building

  5. Education, awareness and advocacy 

  6. Action research 

MUACU Structure