Aids Control Unit

Dr. Olympia Jelagat
Aids Control Unit
Maseno University AIDS Control Unit’s (MUACU) vision is “A healthy, empowered and sustainable community in which individuals and families are equipped with the necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes to eliminate HIV& AIDS” The unit is located within Maseno University and is coordinated by the School of Public Health and Community Development under the guidance of a multidisciplinary steering committee with members drawn from the management, health services, students’ body, academic and non-academic staff.
The Unit’s overall goal is to promote HIV and AIDS prevention, care and support activities in Maseno University and surrounding communities.
Being a peer educator is one of the best decisions I ever made, it shaped my career path and it gave me a grounded passion to work with the youth
Laura Ating’ah
Peer Educator
Being a peer educator has enhanced my public speaking skills as well as organizing and spearheading projects which has culminated into boosting my career path
Patric Sigei (Peer Educator)
Imenisaidia kuishi safely Kama youth juu ma youth wanakuanga na challlanges mob sana especially life ya campus. Again through the interventions imekuwa easy sana kushare problems zangu na counsellors ambao huwa tayari and within reach kila time wasee wanawataka. Na pia imefunza kusaka Kama youth...
Carolyne Odiero
Peer Educator
I joined ICL while in my 2nd year and being a Peer Educator was one of my major milestones in campus. The impact was more personal as I got a chance to understand my Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights, became more self-aware of myself and importantly, built networks that I still use up-to-date. I didn't know that years later I would work with young people on SRH in the NGOs world & here I am at Dandelion Africa with strong foundation on what ICL invested in me.
Ruth Nderitu (Peer Educator)
We can't become what we need to be by remaining what we are, peer education made me understand we should never strive to only be of success but most important be of a person of great Value. It made me know we struggle for progress.
Denis Osumo
Peer Educator
I was trained as a peer educator by the Maseno University AIDS Control Unit in 2014 and up until now, the journey has been quite a fine one. Starting from within, I realized that there is a lot of information at our disposal in how to take care of ourselves and the people we love, but not many people use this. Back in college, we used to print information fliers, brochures and have individual sensitizations alongside major events with collaborations from countrywide. Our main partner back then was I Choose Life Africa. Working with them was fun and together we were able to communicate effective behaviour change, even to staff and citizens outside school. Until now, the peer educator journey has shaped my career, as I have found a haven in advocacy through patnerships we forged then.
Nelson Onyimbi (Peer Educator)